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We Take The Stress Out Of Being New!

We invite you to join us for a week of free Nogi grappling classes on any days that work with your schedule. No appointment is necessary. You can sign up as a Visitor's Free Trial on the Pricing page or arrive 15 minutes early to do it before your first class.

Top 3 Ways
We Support New Students

  1. Classes are designed in a way that allows you to fully participate from day one.

  2. We partner new youth and adults with an experienced student for their first few classes. You'll have someone by your side throughout your first classes who will be your practice partner for the whole class, answer questions, and give you tips to orient you to grappling and our gym.

  3. We don't require a special uniform for Nogi that you are required to purchase from our gym.

What to Expect

All classes are one hour long. You will actively explore different grappling positions and scenarios, discuss what is working, and troubleshoot what is not. 

How to Prepare

  • Bottom: Wear athletic shorts or squat-proof leggings. Make sure your bottoms don't have open pockets, exposed snaps, or zippers.
  • Top: Wear a rash guard, dry fit shirt or T shirt that can be tucked in.
  • Feet: Shoes are only allowed on the cement floor and we are barefoot only on the mats. Bringing shoes that are easy to slide on and off might be easier than putting on sneakers to do things like run to the bathroom during practice. Some people wear socks on the mat but it's hard to get good traction on the mat if you are not barefoot. We leave that decision up to you.
  • Water: Bring a water bottle or drink from our water fountain.
  • Culture: Read the Hygiene and Etiquette Guidelines before you arrive.

That's it! Follow the guidelines above and you will be ready for your first class.

Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions at all. Call/text us at ‪(719) 204-3567‬ or eMail us at We look forward to meeting you soon!